MARO PRAPANCHAM second and last experimental co-production featuring Adurthi, Akkineni and K.Viswanath in 1970 directed by Adhurthi under Chakravarthi Chitra banner. Sudigundalu 1967 movie attacked the flaws in the legal system, here a revolutionary group calls for an end to all poverty and the social systems that curtain freedom of thought. The film used “Sri Sri “ lyrics to push through their radical message. The commercial failure of this movie ended Chakravarthi Chitra. The team of Chakravarthi Chitra tried to show a path to attain the dream society of Mahatma Gandhi, which is a difficult task in reality. It can be categorically be said that Maro Prapancham is the best work out of ANR and Adurthi efforts that still remained fresh, contemporary and everlasting.
[qodef_dropcaps type=”square” color=”” background_color=””]N[/qodef_dropcaps]ine well-educated youngsters face criminal charges after they dream of creating a utopian world. The group will dedicate their lives to create a GANDHIAN SOCIETY which was a dream of Bapuji. Their aim was to create casteless, povertyless and well educated healthy and wealthy society. They create their own agenda to achieve the same. Their ideology is selfless but a path which the selected creates panic in the public. However, Ravindra (ANR) a CID officer who is appointed to investigate their case, will get convince to their ideology and come to their rescue. Maro Prapancham brought out the sadness and concern of ANR and Adurthi for society. The closing speech of ANR in the courtroom deserves to find a place.

Movie starts with different interpretations about to commemorate Mahatma Gandhi by different people from various parts of the country which had their own hidden agendas. The group of nine will take an oath of fulfilling the aspirations of a noble soul. They jump into action and start picking up the children from all the parts of a city, particularly from below middle class and middle-class sections. They were nourished and educated in an ashram called MARO PRAPANCHAM built by the group in a remote place. They were brought up without caste and economic disparities with a noble cause of attaining Bapuji’s dream society. Food grains will be exhausted in the ashram, in order to fill the grabs of children, Peda Gandhi (Mada) will plan an attack on grains godown belongs to his father, he will be killed by the mob while picking up the grains from the godown of his father who is a politician and businessman. The group will pick up the body of martyr from the mortuary and runaway, they cremate him at MARO PRAPANCHAM.

Ravindra (ANR) CID officer appointed to investigate the child missing case will reach Maro Prapancham, children will arrest him and conduct the court, they will allow him to live along with them. Ravindra will get convinced with their ideology and he will send the members to bring his children, unfortunately, five members of the group will be caught by police. They will be charged the abduction of Ravindra and kidnapping of children, Ravindra will attend the court and he will convince the jury to visit Maro Prapancham before punishing them. Judges will see the selfless service of the young group, and how they are nourishing the children without the influence of regular social evils like casteism, regionalism and financial disparities. They are well educated, well behaved Gandhian civilians of Maro Prapancham, who can take the society into a Gandhian world. Ravindra will try his level best to convince the jury, but the jury had their limitations, hence they are forced to convict the members and Ravindra as well, as per the Indian Penal Code.