Das Ka Dhamki is a 2023 Indian Telugu-language action comedy thriller film directed by Vishwak Sen, from a story written by Prasanna Kumar Bezawada. It is produced by Karate Raju, Vishwak’s father, under the banners, Vanmaye Creations and Vishwaksen Cinemas.
CAST: Vishwaksen, Nivetha Pethuraj, Rao Ramesh, Rohini Molleti, Ajay, Hyper Aadi in lead roles.
Top Reviewers:
TELUGU 360 (Rating: 2.25/5):
‘Das Ka Dhamki’ is an average fare for youth , tests patience for other sections. Viswaksen did a good job as a hero, but couldn’t meet expectations as a director. Too many confusing twists in the second half played spoilsport.
Great Andhra (Rating: 2.25/5):
Overall, “Das Ka Dhamki” starts off as a lighthearted rom-com but ends up as a clumsy thriller with a messy second half. Vishwak Sen performs better as an actor than as a director.
Mirchi9 (Rating: 2/5):
Overall, Dhamki is passable as long as it stays on a mostly predictable commercial path. It is the action thriller twists filled second half where it derails and never comes back. Ultimately, it is neither proper commercial fare nor a taut action thriller leaving one disappointed on both counts.
123TELUGU (Rating: 2.75/5):
On the whole, Das Ka Dhamki entertains partly. The film has a decent first half and a below-par second half. A simple story is presented with a bit of entertainment and many unsatisfactory twists. Vishwaksen is lively, but the movie doesn’t live up to the hype completely. You can give the film a shot but have your expectations in check.
Times Of India (Rating: 2/5):
Overall, Das Ka Dhamki is a film that’s just potential wasted. It works only in parts and spends the ending setting up a conflict for a sequel. Did it need as many cuss words? Probably no. Could’ve it done with some fine tuning? Yes. Maybe they’ll do that in the next part!