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    Nilambari from Narasimha

    [qodef_section_title title_tag="" title="Back Story" title_color="#ffffff"] Nilamabri from Narasimha movie is one of the best performances by Ramyakrishna in her career. The attitude of the character has been well carried by her throughout the movie in different looks. In a scene when she meets Rajnikanth after a very long time she does this stylish salute imitating [...]
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    Kodama Simham

    [qodef_section_title title_tag="" title="Back Story" title_color="#ffffff"] This is the intro scene of Chiranjeevi in this movie. The way he gets down the horse and smokes cigar with a rugged expression is at par with any western movie and undoubtedly he leaves his swagger mark on this role too as he does with any of his other [...]
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    [qodef_section_title title_tag="" title="Back Story" title_color="#ffffff"] This is one of the best interval bangs from Rajamouli's movies. This scene with Prabhas's action and Senthil's camera work reached to a next level of presentation for Build Up shots in Telugu Movies. The attitude and the body language of Prabhas is undoubtedly a Swagger. [qodef_section_title title_tag="" title="Movie Info" [...]
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    Subbu Alias Subhash

    [qodef_section_title title_tag="" title="Back Story" title_color="#ffffff"] Subbu, a spoiled college brat hangs around with a bunch of friends of similar nature. Later, he defeats Rohit in the kickboxing match and wins over everyone's heart again. [qodef_section_title title_tag="" title="Movie Info" title_color="#ffffff"][qodef_icon_list_item icon_pack="font_awesome" fa_icon="fa-book" icon_size="32px" icon_color="#ff7b00" title="Synopsis:" title_padding="36"] Thammudu   is a 1999 telugu sport film  produced by sivaramakrishna [...]
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    Mutamestri (Bose)

    [qodef_section_title title_tag="" title="Back Story" title_color="#ffffff"] Chanti, hero of the movie repeatedly uses this dialogue in the movie. This shows the arrogance of the character and also his confidence. Puri known for his single liners has penned this iconic dialogue which has become a house hold dialogue of telugu people. [qodef_section_title title_tag="" title="Movie Info" title_color="#ffffff"][qodef_icon_list_item icon_pack="font_awesome" [...]
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    [qodef_section_title title_tag="" title="Back Story" title_color="#ffffff"] Chanti, hero of the movie repeatedly uses this dialogue in the movie. This shows the arrogance of the character and also his confidence. Puri known for his single liners has penned this iconic dialogue which has become a house hold dialogue of telugu people. [qodef_section_title title_tag="" title="Movie Info" title_color="#ffffff"][qodef_icon_list_item icon_pack="font_awesome" [...]
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    [qodef_section_title title_tag="" title="Back Story" title_color="#ffffff"] Chanti, hero of the movie repeatedly uses this dialogue in the movie. This shows the arrogance of the character and also his confidence. Puri known for his single liners has penned this iconic dialogue which has become a house hold dialogue of telugu people. [qodef_section_title title_tag="" title="Movie Info" title_color="#ffffff"][qodef_icon_list_item icon_pack="font_awesome" [...]
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    Jai Dev

    [qodef_section_title title_tag="" title="Back Story" title_color="#ffffff"] Chanti, hero of the movie repeatedly uses this dialogue in the movie. This shows the arrogance of the character and also his confidence. Puri known for his single liners has penned this iconic dialogue which has become a house hold dialogue of telugu people. [qodef_section_title title_tag="" title="Movie Info" title_color="#ffffff"][qodef_icon_list_item icon_pack="font_awesome" [...]
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