
S.V.Ranga Rao was known for his momentary anger!

SV. RANGA RAO is the man who doesn’t need any introduction. He was known for his acting skills and also with a small shade of ego. He played a character of Harishchandra in the movie Harishchandra in 1960 where Gummadi acted as Maharshi Vishwamitra. Gummadi was junior to him. As per the script, Harishchandra(S.V.R) insults Vishwamitra’s daughters, furious Viswamitra(Gummadi) enters the court of Harishchandra and gets into a heated argument eventually he has to kick the crown of Harishchandra with his leg when Harishchandra bows his head before him. The assistant director explained the scene to S.V.R, he was known for his momentary anger with self-respect. He raised a strong objection to it, and walked away from the shoot, helpless director finished the shoot with a dupe and continued next shots with S.V.R.

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