Raja Vikramarka is an Indian Telugu-language film directed by Sri Saripalli, produced by 88 Rama Reddy and presented by Adi Reddy. Produced by Rama Reddy, the film has Prashanth R Vihari as the music director.
CAST: Kartikeya Gummakonda and Tanya Ravichandran in lead roles.
Top Reviewers:
TELUGU 360 (Rating: 2.25/5):
Raja Vikramarka has been presented stylishly, but tests audience patience with it’s senseless plot. Karthikeya as an NIA Officer is stylish, carried best physique. The whole plot in second half runs on kidnap thread which fails to engage
Great Andhra(Rating: 2/5):
There are no gripping elements to hook audiences to screen. The narrative is pretty cliched and many a time, the audience might wait to see a different approach from the director but only to get disappointed with the same old treatment. He took too many cinematic liberties and leaves logic to the last which isn’t acceptable especially in an action thriller.
Mirchi9 (Rating: 2/5):
Overall, Raja Vikramarka is an action-comedy that fails to blend action and comedy properly. The silly writing and lack of fresh aspects further mar the story. If you love movies of this genre, give it a try, but have zero expectations. Or else you can stay away and wait for the non-theatrical platform.
123TELUGU (Rating: 2.5/5):
On the whole, after showing much promise with its striking trailer and whirlwind promotions, Raja Vikramarka ends up as an okayish thriller. While there is a lack of seriousness in the proceedings, especially in the first half, the second half, after showing some promise following the interval twist, doesn’t quite succeed in piquing audiences’ interest with a predictable narration that offers nothing new, making the film look like a regular Telugu film. You may watch the movie this weekend for Kartikeya and some well-conceived action sequences.
Times Of India (Rating: 2.5/5):
Overall Raja Vikramarka is an average action thriller drama. Kartikeya’ characterization is one of the major asset.