Natakam iwritten and directed by Kalyanji Gogana. Jointly Produced by Sri Sai deep Chatla, Radhika Srinivas, Praveen Gandhi and Uma Kuchipudi.
CAST: Ashish Gandhi and Ashima Narwal.
Top Reviewers:
TELUGU 360 (Rating: 1.5/5):
It’s difficult to take the story of an agonized entity seriously when the lead pair is stuck in the bedroom till before climax and it would have been good had the director of this farce of a movie known it.
Mirchi9 (Rating: 1.25/5):
In short, the second half has some moments, but those are not enough to save the overall disastrous execution.
123TELUGU (Rating: 2.5/5):
On the whole, Natakam shows a lot of promise in the first half but the silly and lethargic second half takes the film down in no time.
Times Of India (Rating: 1.5/5):
What the film also fails at is merging both its tracks seamlessly, leaving jagged holes open instead. Ashish Gandhi does his best to emote through his scraggly hair and beard.