Ashoka Vanam Lo Arjuna Kalyanam is a romantic entertainer movie written by Ravi Kiran Kola and directed by Viday Sagar Chinta, The film is produced by Bapineedu B and Sudheer Edara under SVCC Digital banner.
CAST: Viswak sen, Ruksor Dillon in lead roles.
Top Reviewers:
TELUGU 360 (Rating: 2.75/5):
Overall, Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam is a passable fun entertainer with a little message that one should get married when they find the right partner, not when it is time. With high-budget commercial films taking over the last few weeks, Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam can take us back to some middle-class fun and entertainment.
Great Andhra (Rating: 2.5/5):
The film starts well, the director does not waste much time going into the story, but after about 15 to 20 minutes the film feels good after that, the screenplay of the film slows down a bit, and the film gets interesting from the pre-interval, I can say that the first few comedy scenes went well. But most of the characters feel unnatural. There is no doubt that the second half is the backbone of the film.
Mirchi9 (Rating: 2.75/5):
Overall, Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam is a light-hearted, feel-good drama with plenty of fun moments. The story is feeble and weak, but the superb supporting cast and the writing hold it together. Give the movie a try if you like a simple slice of life dramedy.
123TELUGU (Rating: 3/5):
On the whole, Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam has a very predictable premise and storyline. But the simple yet neat narration, able performance by Vishwak Sen, and free flow in the proceedings makes this film a decent watch this weekend.
Times Of India (Rating: 3/5):
Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam is a perfect fun-filled family entertainer from Tollywood for this summer. Honest writing from Ravi Kiran, brilliant execution from Vidya Sagar, and genuine performance from Vishwak Sen altogether served an Andhra Telangana combo meal with both entertainment and emotions to the Telugu audience.