Synopsis: ABCD – American Born Confused Desi is an Telugu drama movie, It is directed by Sanjeev Reddy and produced by Madhura Sreedhar Reddy.
CAST: Starring Allu Sirish and Rukshar Dhillon.
Top Reviewers:
TELUGU 360 (Rating: 2.5/5):
ABCD has a story that is not a run-of-the-mill one. There is little entertainment in first half, which could have been better though. Second half is more story oriented one with no enjoyable moments. Overall, in B C centers this film may find some audience and elsewhere it will be an uphill task to bring audience to the theater with this content.
Great Andhra(Rating: 2.5/5):
This is another case of good plot point is wasted by uneven narration.
Mirchi9 (Rating: 2.25/5):
Overall, ABCD is like the noodle that is neither tasty nor bad to throw away. It is passable enough so that the hungry person can have it for the time being, but forgotten instantaneously.
123TELUGU (Rating: 2.75/5):
One the whole, ABCD is youthful comedy who works only in parts. The film starts well and evokes decent fun in the first half. Allu Sirish does well with his impressive act but the boring second half and improper climax takes things down. All we suggest you to watch this film with an open mind and low expectations so that the viewing experience would be smooth.
Times Of India (Rating: 2.5/5):
f you’re looking for something that’s emotional, dramatic or even consistently funny, this is not the film for you. But if you’re looking for a light-hearted entertainer with good music and BGM by Judah Sandhy, stunning narrative and editing, and commendable performances by the cast, ABCD is the perfect fit for you. Go watch this one with no expectations, you’ll end up enjoying it!