Gamanam is a Telugu-language anthology film written and directed by debutant Sujana Rao and produced by Ramesh Karutoori, Venki Pushadapu and Gnana Shekar V.S under the KRIA FILM CORP and KALI Productions banners.
CAST: Shriya Saran, Nitya Menen, Shiva Kandukuri, Priyanka Jawalkar, Suhas in lead roles.
Top Reviewers:
TELUGU 360 (Rating: 1.75/5):
The screenplay and dialogues lack interest. The first half is dull and the climax is filled with unnecessary thrill. Overall Gamanam is a poorly executed movie.
Great Andhra (Rating: 2/5):
The film was expected to engage the audience with a hyperlink screenplay. What is in store in the film is an anthology-type narration that is barely philosophical and definitely not intriguing.
Mirchi9 (Rating: 1.5/5):
Sujana Rao tried to take viewers into the ordeal of the Hyderabad floods with Gamanam. Though her idea looked good and interesting, she failed to execute in a proper manner on-screen with perfection. She failed in her attempt to get the optimum out of all and the anthology did not appeal to viewers. Lack of coherent screenplay and direction undid her efforts.
123TELUGU (Rating: 2.5/5):
On the whole, Gamanam has a good backdrop but is marred by dull narration and slow pace. Shriya Saran is pick of the star cast and does her role on a impressive note. Apart from that, there is nothing much the film showcases and ends as a below par watch this weekend.
Times Of India (Rating: 2.75/5):
That said, Gamanam might not be the film for everyone. If you’re someone who gets impatient unless the film is ‘fast paced’ and needs masala moments, this is definitely not the film for you. But if you’re someone who has been waiting for Tollywood to tell poignant stories, this is for you. Sujana’s debut film might be a mixed bag but it’s worth a watch if you love such cinema.