
where is the venkatalakshmi


Where is the venkatalakshmi is an adult comedy horror movie directed by  Kishore Kumar and produced by Sridhar Reddy.

CAST: Laxmi Raai, Praveen, Madhu Nandan, Pujita Ponnada, Brahmaji .


Top Reviewers:

TELUGU 360 (Rating: 2/5):

The film lacks a strong story. Riven with dated ideas and regressive characters, this one falls flat also because of its poorly-etched, preachy climax. A wafer-thin flashback adds to the woes

Mirchi9 (Rating: 2/5):

Overall, Where Is The Venkatalakshmi is highly predictable and bland watch. The low brow setting and sensibility offering a few comic moments is the only relief and might find a few takers. But, by and large, it is an avoidable fare.

123TELUGU (Rating: 2.5/5):

On the whole, Where is the Venkatalakshmi is a good script gone wrong kind of a film. Lakshmi Rai, comedians Madhu and Praveen try to save the film with their sincere efforts but the second half has nothing going it’s way and kills the interest of the audience.

Times Of India (Rating: 1.5/5):

Adult jokes are made and beeped out in the name of humour, exposed navels are galore in the name of glamour and a random song put in the name of romance. But nothing really lands and the film seems to drag on aimlessly.



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