Paruvu is an Indian Telugu-language crime thriller streaming television series written by Siddharth Naidu who have co-directed with Rajashekar Vadlapati. Produced by L. S. Vishnu Prasad and Susmitha Konidela through Gold Box Entertainment, Pavan Sadineni worked as additional dialogue writer and, additional screenwriter along with Hussai Sha Kiran Satyavolu and Bharan Kumar Dandamudi, for the latter.
CAST: Nivetha Pethuraj, Naresh Agastya, Naga Babu, Praneetha Patnaik, Sunil Kommisetty, Raj Kumar Kasireddy, Ramesh, Moeen, Bindhu Chandramouli in lead roles.
Top Reviewers:
CINE JOSH (Rating: 2.25/5):
Altogether, Paruvu webseries is just another story revolving around caste feelings and honour killings. Nivetha Pethuraj, Naresh Agasthya came up with spirited performances but predictable narration at times damped the spirits.
OTTPLAY (Rating: 3.5/5):
Paruvu is a gripping thriller that has an amazing backdrop, solid performances, and arresting thrills. The casting is on point, and the sensitive topic of honor killing and caste-based politics are nicely woven into a solid drama that holds your attention right from the first episode, making this series a must-watch on Zee5.
THE HINDU (Rating: 3/5):
A binge-worthy addition to the Telugu digital space
123TELUGU (Rating: 3.25/5):
On the whole, Paruvu is a multi-layered web series that is engrossing for the most part. The multiple subplots grab our attention, and the manner in which all the dots are connected is pretty good. The series benefits from solid writing and mesmerizing performances of Nivetha Pethuraj, Naresh Agastya, Naga Babu, and Praneetha Patnaik. The pacing dips intermittently, and the duration is lengthy. It takes some time to connect to its world and characters, and once that happens, Paruvu becomes an engaging watch.
Times Of India (Rating: 3.5/5):
A couple who accidentally committed a murder and tried to get away from that crime..How many difficulties they stood up against was convincingly shown. The whole series was interesting as the suspense did not go away in any episode. Although the concept is not new, the way the directors have shown it is impressive. All in all, Paruru is a great success. And why the delay? Haven’t seen this series yet, its streaming on ZEE5..You should also have a look.