Keedaa Cola is an 2023 comedy crime thriller movie, written and directed by Tharun Bhascker Dhaassyam who is popular for his film ‘Pelli Chooplu‘. The film is produced by K. Vivek Sudhanshu, Saikrishna Gadwal, Srinivas Kaushik Nanduri, and Sripad under Suresh Productions.
CAST: Tharun Bhaskar, Jeevan, Brahmanandam, Vishnu Oi, Rag Mayur, Raghu Ram and Others in lead roles.
Top Reviewers:
TELUGU 360 (Rating: 2.5/5):
Overall, Keedaa Cola has a quirky subplot that might take some time to resonate with the audience. Once it does, it entertains you with its unique characters and fun scenes that entertain you in their own way.
Great Andhra (Rating: 2.25/5):
Overall, Tharun Bhascker’s Keeda Cola is a wacky crime comedy that works in parts and is a time-pass watch. If it needs to be compared to different genres of Tharun Bhascker’s previous films, Keeda Cola is the least best of all three.
Mirchi9 (Rating: 2.5/5):
Overall, Keedaa Cola is a crime comedy in director Tharun Bhascker’s style. His writing involving quirky characters provides fun in parts. But their sum doesn’t turn into a greater wholesome experience. Give it a try for some wacky situation fun, but keep the expectations firmly in check.
123TELUGU (Rating: 3/5):
On the whole, Keedaa Cola is a watchable crime comedy-drama that has an engaging second half, and the last few minutes were crazy. Director Tharun Bhascker leaves his mark in a few sequences, and the humor in the second hour works for the most part. All the actors did well, but the key issue is that Keedaa Cola doesn’t have a strong storyline. Also, the first half could have been much better. Nonetheless, a few crazy moments, situational humor in the latter half, and strong technical values make this film a passable fare this weekend.
Times Of India (Rating: 3/5):
“Keedaa Cola” emerges as a watchable crime comedy-drama with a compelling second half and a satisfying climax. Tharun Bhascker’s directorial moments, especially in the humor-laden latter part, work well. While lacking a robust storyline and a comparatively weaker first half, the film still offers quirky moments, situational humor, and solid technical aspects, making it a decent choice for a weekend watch.